Lecture Electronic commerce - Chapter 8: Innovative EC Systems: From E-Government and E-Learning to Consumer-to-Consumer Commerce learning objectives: Describe various e-government initiatives. Describe e-learning, virtual universities, and e-training. Describe online publishing and e-books. Discuss wikis and blogging. Describe knowledge management and dissemination as an e-business. Describe C2C activities. Describe peer-to-peer networks and applications. | Chapter 8 Innovative EC Systems From E-Government and E-Learning to Consumer-to-Consumer Commerce 2008 Pearson Prentice Hall Electronic Commerce 2008 Efraim Turban et al. Learning Objectives 1. Describe various e-government initiatives. 2. Describe e-learning virtual universities and e-training. 3. Describe online publishing and e-books. 4. Discuss wikis and blogging. 5. Describe knowledge management and dissemination as an e-business. 6. Describe C2C activities. 7. Describe peer-to-peer networks and applications. 8-2 E-Government An Overview e-government E-commerce model in which a government entity buys or provides goods services or information to businesses or individual citizens 8-3 E-Government An Overview Several major categories fit within this broad definition of e-government government-to-citizens G2C E-government category that includes all the interactions between a government and its citizens Government-to-business G2B Government-to-government G2G Internal Efficiency and Effectiveness IEE Government-to-employees G2E 8-4 E-Government An Overview government-to-citizens G2C E-government category that includes all the interactions between a government and its citizens electronic voting Voting process that involves many steps ranging from registering preparing voting and counting voting and counting are all done electronically Netizen A citizen surfing the Internet Electronic benefits transfer 8-5 E-Government An Overview government-to-business G2B E-government category that includes interactions between governments and businesses government selling to businesses and providing them with services and businesses selling products and services to government 8-6 E-Government An Overview Government-to-Business G2B Government e-procurement Group purchasing Forward e-auctions Tax collection and management 8-7 E-Government An Overview government-to-government G2G E-government category that includes activities within government units and those between governments .