Identification of differentially expressed microRNAs in primary esophageal achalasia by next-generation sequencing

Molecular knowledge regarding the primary esophageal achalasia is essential for the early diagnosis and treatment of this neurodegenerative motility disorder. Therefore, there is a need to find the main microRNAs (miRNAs) contributing to the mechanisms of achalasia. This study was conducted to determine some patterns of deregulated miRNAs in achalasia. This case-control study was performed on 52 patients with achalasia and 50 nonachalasia controls. The miRNA expression profiling was conducted on the esophageal tissue samples using the next-generation sequencing (NGS). Differential expression of miRNAs was analyzed by the edgeR software. | Turkish Journal of Biology Turk J Biol 2021 45 262-274 http biology TÜBİTAK Research Article doi biy-2101-61 Identification of differentially expressed microRNAs in primary esophageal achalasia by next-generation sequencing 1 2 3 Mahin GHOLIPOUR Javad MIKAELI Seyed Javad MOWLA 4 5 6 2 Mohammad Reza BAKHTIARIZADEH Marie SAGHAEIAN JAZI Naeme JAVID Narges FAZLOLLAHI 1 7 1 6 Masoud KHOSHNIA Naser BEHNAMPOUR Abdolvahab MORADI 1 Golestan Research Center of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Golestan University of Medical Sciences Gorgan Iran 2 Autoimmune and Motility Disorders Research Center Digestive Diseases Research Institute Tehran University of Medical Sciences Tehran Iran 3 Department of Genetics Faculty of Biological Sciences Tarbiat Modares University Tehran Iran 4 Department of Animal and Poultry Science College of Aburaihan University of Tehran Tehran Iran 5 Metabolic Disorders Research Center Golestan University of Medical Sciences Gorgan Iran 6 Department of Microbiology Faculty of Medicine Golestan University of Medical Sciences Gorgan Iran 7 Department of Biostatistics Faculty of Health Golestan University of Medical Sciences Gorgan Iran Received Accepted Published Online Final Version Abstract Molecular knowledge regarding the primary esophageal achalasia is essential for the early diagnosis and treatment of this neurodegenerative motility disorder. Therefore there is a need to find the main microRNAs miRNAs contributing to the mechanisms of achalasia. This study was conducted to determine some patterns of deregulated miRNAs in achalasia. This case-control study was performed on 52 patients with achalasia and 50 nonachalasia controls. The miRNA expression profiling was conducted on the esophageal tissue samples using the next-generation sequencing NGS . Differential expression of miRNAs was analyzed by the edgeR software. The selected dysregulated miRNAs were additionally confirmed using the .

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