This research on lightning protection systems for trees was established for the purpose of developing a better understanding of lightning protection systems specifically designed to be fitted to trees. Coming from a background in sylviculture my initial concern was to enable important and intrinsically valuable trees to be protected from damage resulting from lightning strikes. However it quickly became apparent that the protection of nearby structures and buildings that might be liable to collateral damage in the event of strike was of equal significance. This research on lightning protection systems for trees was established for the purpose of developing a better understanding of lightning protection systems specifically. | Generated by Foxit PDF Creator Foxit Software http For evaluation only. Source http lightning Lightning Protection and Trees Ben Fuest Introduction - Lightning Protection Systems Fitted to Trees The research and recommendations for protecting trees from lightning strikes and the concomitant protection afforded to nearby buildings discussed in this article focus on conditions in the . However the principles of tree protection from lightning discussed here are generally applicable to other countries as well though the statistics on the frequency of lightning strike and other local conditions vary. -- Editor This research on lightning protection systems for trees was established for the purpose of developing a better understanding of lightning protection systems specifically designed to be fitted to trees. Coming from a background in sylviculture my initial concern was to enable important and intrinsically valuable trees to be protected from damage resulting from lightning strikes. However it quickly became apparent that the protection of nearby structures and buildings that might be liable to collateral damage in the event of strike was of equal significance. Research showed that on those occasions where lightning protection had been installed in trees the system employed had been based upon designs originally intended for use on buildings and other essentially non-dynamic man made structures. The particular problems of installing the necessary hardware into living and growing trees did not appear to have been adequately addressed. Thus the direct effect on the tree of the installation of the required hardware is not factored in with the result that trees are likely to be caused some degree of long-term harm in the very process of attempting to protect them. The Approach to Lightning Protection for Trees Passive Cloud-to-Ground Lightning Protection This document refers to lightning protection for .