Để tìm hiểu tiềm năng tham gia chương trình REDD+ cho người dân vùng đệm khu bảo tồn thiên nhiên Nam Et-Phu Lơi, tỉnh Houa Phan, bài viết đã khảo sát nhu cầu tham gia của người dân, phân tích các yếu tố thuận lợi và khó khăn khi thực hiện REDD+. | TNU Journal of Science and Technology 226 18 244 - 251 THE POTENTIAL OF PARTICIPATION IN THE REDD PROGRAM FOR PEOPLE IN THE BUFFER ZONE OF NATURE RESERVE NAM ET-PHU LOI HOUA PHAN PROVINCE LAO PEOPLE S DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC Vi Thuy Linh Nguyen Thi Bich Lien Chu Thanh Huy TNU - University of Sciences ARTICLE INFO ABSTRACT Received 31 10 2021 To explore the potential for participation in REDD program for people in the buffer zone of Nam Et-Phu Loi nature reserve Houa Phan province Revised 28 12 2021 the article surveyed the people s participation needs analyzed favorable Published 28 12 2021 and difficulty factors when implementing REDD . In this study the questionare survey method was used to investigated 60 households in 3 KEYWORDS communes Khang Khao Na Keng and Houy Moun which located in the Nam Et-Phu Loi Natural Reserve. The number of samples in each REDD commune is 20 households which are selected on the basis of differences Service payment in economic condition good medium poor and livelihoods. The questionare was designed to collect information on living conditions forest Environment use management understanding about REDD of local residents. The Forest combination of collecting secondary on forest and SWOT methods was Houa Phan province used to analys the potential local people for implement REDD . The results show that the majority of people can be aware of the importance of forests know the effects of deforestation and have a positive attitude towards participating in the implementation of the REDD program to reduce poverty for people. The study area meets the basic conditions to become an area participating in the REDD program. TIỀM NĂNG THAM GIA CHƢƠNG TRÌNH REDD CHO NGƢỜI DÂN VÙNG ĐỆM KHU BẢO TỒN THIÊN NHIÊN NAM ET-PHU LƠI TỈNH HOUA PHAN NƢỚC CỘNG HÒA DÂN CHỦ NHÂN DÂN LÀO Vi Thùy Linh Nguyễn Thị Bích Liên Chu Thành Huy Trường Đại học Khoa học ĐH Thái Nguyên THÔNG TIN BÀI BÁO TÓM TẮT Ngày nhận bài 31 10 2021 Để tìm hiểu tiềm năng tham gia chương trình .