Nuôi thuần dưỡng và nuôi thử nghiệm nuôi hai loài rắn biển đẻn cơm Hydrophis curtus và sông chằn H. cyanocinctus trong bể composite để xác định sinh trưởng, tỷ lệ sống, tập tính bắt mồi và con mồi ưa thích. Kết quả sau 30 ngày nuôi thuần dưỡng cho thấy rắn biển trưởng thành của cả hai loài không bắt mồi với các loại thức ăn khác nhau gồm cá cơm, chình và tôm trong suốt quá trình nuôi. | Vietnam Journal of Marine Science and Technology Vol. 20 No. 4A 2020 105 114 DOI https 1859-3097 15653 http jmst Captive culture of two sea snake species Hydrophis curtus and Hydrophis cyanocinctus Nguyen Trung Kien Hua Thai An Huynh Minh Sang Do Huu Hoang Cao Van Nguyen Ho Thi Hoa Institute of Oceanography VAST Vietnam E-mail kiennguyen2020@ Received 28 August 2020 Accepted 26 October 2020 2020 Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology VAST Astract Acclimation culture and trial culture of two sea snake species Hydrophis curtus and H. cyanocinctus in composite tanks were conducted to determine growth survival rate predation behavior and prey selection. The results showed that adults of H. curtus and H. cyanocinctus did not capture any prey such as anchovy eel and shrimp in a period of 30 days of acclimation culture. The body weight of two these species reduced gradually from g and g to g and g respectively. Survival rate was 100 in H. curtus and 80 in H. cyanocinctus. Meanwhile the results of acclimation culture of sea snake juvenile revealed that frozen anchovy was preferred prey in both of two species. The body weight of H. curtus increased from g to g and that of H. cyanocinctus was g to g. The prey capture rate of H. curtus and H. cyanocinctus was 100 and 60 respectively. Survival rate of the juvenile of two species was 100 after 30 days of acclimation culture. In 60 days of trial culture similar results as acclimation culture were observed in adults of two sea snake species they still did not capture any prey and the body weight reduced gradually. The result of 60-day culture of sea snake juvenile showed that the prey capture rate was 100 in both of two species. The body weight of H. curtus and H. cyanocinctus increased from g and g to g and respectively. SGR of H. curtus was day and