Gravity data inversion or interpretation requires the removal of the gravitational effects of the a priori known geologic and/or morphologic features within the Earth’s system to model and reveal the remaining signals of the unknown anomalous subsurface density distributions. The Bouguer gravity anomalies reduced by the normal gravitational field of the Earth and the gravitational attraction of the topographic masses above the sea level are frequently used in geophysics for this purpose. However, density contrast effects of the other major known elements, such as offshore seawater, inland water bodies, glaciers, and/or sediments can be removed from the Bouguer gravity anomalies, which is denoted as stripping in gravimetry, to unmask the remaining gravitational signal of the sought anomalous masses. | Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences Turkish J Earth Sci 2021 30 916-927 http earth TÜBİTAK Research Article doi yer-2105-38 Quantifying the bathymetric stripping gravity corrections of global seawater and major lakes over Turkey Mehmet SİMAV Hasan YILDIZ General Directorate of Mapping Ankara Turkey Received Accepted Published Online Final Version Abstract Gravity data inversion or interpretation requires the removal of the gravitational effects of the a priori known geologic and or morphologic features within the Earth s system to model and reveal the remaining signals of the unknown anomalous subsurface density distributions. The Bouguer gravity anomalies reduced by the normal gravitational field of the Earth and the gravitational attraction of the topographic masses above the sea level are frequently used in geophysics for this purpose. However density contrast effects of the other major known elements such as offshore seawater inland water bodies glaciers and or sediments can be removed from the Bouguer gravity anomalies which is denoted as stripping in gravimetry to unmask the remaining gravitational signal of the sought anomalous masses. Stripping the Bouguer anomaly off seawater density contrast has become possible with the releases of freely available high-resolution global ocean bathymetry data. Moreover the bathymetry data from recent hydrographic surveys over the inland water bodies with high-precision echo sounders has given rise to the opportunity to determine the stripping effects of the lake water density contrast. In this study we quantify the global seawater bathymetry stripping effects along with lake water stripping of some greatest Turkish lakes on a regular 1 1 grid at the Earth s surface over Turkey including offshore. The seawater bathymetric corrections vary from 132 to 418 mGal over the seas and show a long-wavelength pattern over the inland with a mean value of 133 mGal. It .