. Appearance This panel is mostly about how things look on the screen: windows, menus, buttons, scroll bars, and fonts | . Appearance This panel is mostly about how things look on the screen windows menus buttons scroll bars and fonts. Nothing you find here lets you perform any radical surgery on the overall Mac OS X look but you can tweak certain settings to match your personal style. . Changing Colors Two pop-up menus let you crank up or tone down Mac OS X s overall colorfulness Appearance. Choose between Blue or Graphite. Blue refers to Mac OS X s factory setting bright candy-colored scroll-bar handles progress bars menu and pulsing OK buttons and those shiny red yellow and green buttons in the corner of every window. If you like some graphics professionals find all this circusposter coloring a bit distracting then choose Graphite which renders all those interface elements in various shades of gray. Highlight color. When you drag your cursor across text its background changes color to indicate that you ve selected it. Exactly what color the background becomes is up to you just choose the shade you want using the pop-up menu. The Highlight color also affects such subtleties as the lines on the inside of a window as you drag an icon into it. If you choose Other the Color Picker palette appears from which you can choose any color your Mac is capable of displaying Section . . Tweaking the Scroll Bars The two sets of radio buttons control the scroll-bar arrow buttons of all your windows. You can keep these arrows together at one end of the scroll bar or you can split them up so that the up arrow sits at the top of the scroll bar and the down arrow is at the bottom. Horizontal scroll bars are similarly affected. For details on the Jump to the next page and Jump to here options see Section . Tip And what if you want the ultimate convenience both arrows at both ends of the scroll bar You just need a moment alone with TinkerTool described on Section . You can also turn on these checkboxes Use smooth scrolling. This option affects only one tiny situation when you