Sấy gỗ là một trong những công đoạn rất quan trọng góp phần đưa gỗ về độ ẩm phù hợp cho quá trình gia công chế biến thành sản phẩm. Nghiên cứu nhằm đánh giá ảnh hưởng của nhiệt độ sấy đến chất lượng gỗ Căm xe (Xylia xylocarpa (Roxb) Taub) khi sấy bằng phương pháp sấy chân không. | AGU International Journal of Sciences 2021 Vol. 29 3 74 84 ẢNH HƯỞNG CỦA NHIỆT ĐỘ SẤY ĐẾN CHẤT LƯỢNG GỖ CĂM XE Xylia xylocarpa Roxb Taub BẰNG PHƯƠNG PHÁP SẤY CHÂN KHÔNG Bùi Thị Thiên Kim1 1 Trường Đại học Nông Lâm Thông tin chung ABSTRACT Ngày nhận bài 11 01 2020 Ngày nhận kết quả bình duyệt The study aimed to assess the effect of the drying temperature on the quality 11 05 2020 of Xylia xylocarpa Roxb Taub when dried by vacuum drying. Ngày chấp nhận đăng Implementation method moisture content of Pyinkado at W0 12 2021 applying Box Hunter experimental planning method with 2 input Title parameters drying temperature and cycle time the output parameter is the Effects of drying temperature percentage of wood defect after drying. Experimental results show that when to quality of Pyinkado Xylia the drying temperature varies with different levels and the cycle time is xylocarpa Roxb Taub by different the defect rate varies with each treatment when the moisture vacuum drying method content of wood after drying with 10-12. We 10-12 . According to Keywords optimal theoretical calculations the temperature value and cycle time was Vacuum drying Pyinkado found to have the lowest defect rate wood 20x50x500mm with a drying wood wood defects temperature of and drying cycle time of 78min with a defect rate of Từ khóa 2 we conducted experiments to verify the drying temperature of Sấy chân không Xylia and the drying time of 78 minutes We 10 results with the wood defects xylocarpa Roxb Taub khuyết after drying 2-3 while the wood samples have the same size the same W0 tật gỗ sấy and drying by steam method with a defect rate of 24-26 . Similarly according to the optimal theoretical calculation with the size of wood 50x50x500mm the drying temperature of 490C and drying cycle time is 78 minutes with a defect rate of we conducted experimental drying to test the wood with drying temperature of and drying time of 78 minutes the result showed that