U hệ thần kinh trung ương ở trẻ em chiếm khoảng 20% trong các loại ung thư ở trẻ em, cao hơn nhiều so với u hệ thần kinh trung ương ở người lớn và đứng thứ hai sau bệnh lý leucemia. Bài viết báo cáo kết quả điều trị 2 trường hợp trẻ em được phẫu thuật lấy bỏ tổn thương dưới hướng dẫn của siêu âm tại Bệnh viện Đa khoa Xanh Pôn trong năm 2021. | Journal of Pediatric Research and Practice Vol. 6 No. 3 4 2022 187-193 Case Report Treatment of Brain Tumor Resection with Intraoperative Ultrasound in Children at Saint Paul Hospital 2 Cases Report Nguyen Viet Duc1 2 Duong Trung Kien2 Nguyen Dinh Hung3 Nguyen Manh Hung2 Duong Dai Ha1 2 Dinh Trung Thanh2 Vu Ngoc Anh2 1 Hanoi Medical University 1 Ton That Tung Dong Da Hanoi Vietnam 2 Saint Paul General Hospirtal 12 Chu Van An Hanoi Vietnam 3 Hanoi Department of Health 4 Son Tay Ba Dinh Hanoi Vietnam Received 21 April 2022 Revised 7 May 2022 Accepted 15 May 2022 Abstract Objective Among these tumors tumors of the central nervous system correspond to 20 of cancers in children a figure much higher than brain tumors in adults which places them in second position after leukaemia but in first position for solid tumors in children. Surgery is one of the standard treatment options that increase of overall survival rate. We report the treatment results of 2 cases of children undergoing intraoperative ultrasound surgical resection of brain tumor at Saint Paul Hospital in 2021. Case 1 33 months female admitted to the hospital because of vomiting and diarrhea for 1 week then the child appeared to have slow consciousness dilated right pupil MRI detected a large tumor in the right parietal - occipital region with intratumoral bleeding. The patient underwent emergency surgery to remove the tumor with intraoperative ultrasound guidance. Intraoperative ultrasound and postoperative MRI showed that the tumor was removed almost entirely. The pathology is atypical terotoid rhabdoid tumor. Case 2 9-year-old male hospitalized because of headache vomiting unsteady walking and slow consciousness. MRI detected a right cerebellar tumor with surrounding cerebral edema. The patient underwent surgery to remove the subtotal tumor and hadn t neurological complications. The pathology was grade IV medulloblastoma. Conclusion Brain tumors in children are the most common solid tumour. Surgical .