Bài viết Kết quả nội soi phế quản ống mềm bệnh lý hô hấp ở trẻ em tại Bệnh viện Sản nhi Nghệ An từ 1 2018 tháng 9 2019 trình bày đánh giá kết quả nội soi phế quản ống mềm bệnh lý hô hấp ở trẻ em tại Bệnh viện Sản nhi Nghệ An từ tháng 1/2018 đến tháng 9/2019. | Vietnam Journal of Community Medicine Vol 63 No 3 2022 158-164 INSTITUTE OF COMMUNITY HEALTH FLEXIBLE BRONCHOSCOPY RESULTS IN CHILDREN AT NGHE AN OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY HOSPITAL FROM JANUARY 2018 TO SEPTEMBER 2019 Ngo Anh Vinh1 Nguyen Hung Manh2 Bui Thi Huong2 Pham Thi Thu Hien2 Vietnam National Children s Hospital - 18 879 La Thanh Lang Thuong Dong Da Hanoi Vietnam 1 2 Nghe An Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital - 19 Ton That Tung Hung Dung Vinh City Nghe An Vietnam Received 23 12 2021 Revised 18 02 2022 Accepted 28 04 2022 ABSTRACT Objective From January 2018 to September 2019 the results of flexible bronchoscopy in children with respiratory illnesses at Nghe An Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital were evaluated. Methods and subjects The Intensive Care Unit - Poison Control Department Nghe An Obstetrics and Pediatrics Hospital conducted a retrospective and prospective study with convenient sampling on 23 patients with respiratory disorders who were scheduled for bronchoscopy. Results Airway mucositis was seen in airway malformation in percent bronchial purulent inflammation in percent bronchial obstructions in percent and lobar hemorrhage in percent. Bronchoalveolar lavage revealed percent microbial etiology with percent of bacterial infections percent of fungal infections and percent of respiratory syncytial virus RSV infections. During and after endoscopic treatments of patients experienced temporary hypoxia. Conclusion Flexible bronchoscopy is a valuable and safe diagnostic tool in children for respiratory illnesses. Keywords Bronchoscopy respiratory diseases children. Corressponding author Email address vinhinc@ Phone number 84 912 297 770 https 158 . Vinh et al. Vietnam Journal of Community Medicine Vol 63 No 3 2022 158-164 KẾT QUẢ NỘI SOI PHẾ QUẢN ỐNG MỀM BỆNH LÝ HÔ HẤP Ở TRẺ EM TẠI BỆNH VIỆN SẢN NHI NGHỆ AN TỪ 1 2018 THÁNG 9 2019 Ngô Anh Vinh1 Nguyễn Hùng Mạnh2 Bùi .