Scientists at Michigan Stale University are asking a most challengrng question. Can a computQr program be considered alive? The members of the Digital Evolution Laboratory say yes. Computer scientists at the laboratory have created a program calted Avida that has intrigued not only scientists and engineers, but biologists and philosophers as wetl. | Speaking Practice Drills Now we re ready to practice the Speaking section. If possible record or ask a friend to record your responses so you can review them later. Remember to use the templates we covered in Chapter 11. Throughout the Speaking section on the actual test you will be instructed to listen carefully with a screen that looks like the one below. Please listen carefully. 296 CRACKING THE TOEFL Questions will be introduced by a screen that looks like the one shown here. Now get ready to answer the question. You will also see photographs of relevant scenes with each question. Some examples are included here with the question templates. SPEAKING PRACTICE DRILLS .