LNG Ship Construction presents the following content: Definition of Ship; Basic Design of a Ship; Ship Contracts;Terminology; Ship Types; Development of Ships; LNG Carriers; Materials and Strength of Ships; Ship Building Steels; Gas Carrier Rules and Regulations; SOLAS Convention. | LNG Ship Construction Jayan Peter Pillai MSc CEng FIMarEST MRINA MIBM Braemar Engineering Fullbridge Mill Fullbridge Maldon Essex CM9 4LE Index Page 1. Introduction . 2 2. History of LNG Shipment . 3 3. Definition of Ship . 5 4. Basic Design of a Ship . 5 Ship Contracts . 6 Terminology . 7 Ship Types 9 Development of Ships . 10 LNG Carriers 13 Materials and Strength of Ships 16 Ship Building Steels 18 5. Gas Carrier Rules and Regulations 19 SOLAS Convention . 21 IGC Code . 22 STCW Convention 26 6. Testing of Materials . 27 7. Stresses on Ships . 29 8. Welding and Cutting 37 9. Shipyard Layout . 38 10. Design Information for Production . 39 Assembly of Ship Structures . 40 Shell Plating and Framing . 46 Bulkhead and Pillars 48 Decks Hatches and Superstructures 50 Fore End Structure . 53 Aft End Structure . 54 Tanker Construction . 56 11. Launching 56 12. Liquified Gas Carriers . 57 13. Sea Trials . 64 14. Ship Inspection . 65 15. Dry Docking and Ship Repairs . 67 Annex 1 References 69 Annex 2 Useful Websites . 70 1 1. Introduction Braemar Engineering Wavespec Limited is an engineering company specialising in the marine offshore and land based gas industries. The Company has three main divisions - Ship Design Ship Construction and Ship Operation. - Offshore Dynamic Positioning Studies and Projects - Land Based LNG Import and Export Terminals LNG Liquefaction Plants Peak Shaving Plants LNG Regasification Plants LNG Fuelling Stations and LNG Distribution amp Trucking. Braemar Engineering Wavespec Limited has offices in Maldon in the United Kingdom and in Houston Texas. Braemar Engineering is part of the Braemar Technical Services Group. It is supported by a worldwide network of offices with over 380 technical staff of all disciplines. LNG Ships are expected to work the same route for its working life which may exceed 40 years. Design for operation is the result. The key .