There is little doubt that L2 writers need to be familiar with many rhetor-ical and discourse features of written English and that the teaching of col-lege- or university-level writing cannot do without them. | 8 CHAPTER 1 A large number of studies have also established that learning to write in a second language and in particular learning to write the formal L2 academic prose crucial in NNSs academic and professional careers requires the development of an advanced linguistic foundation without which learners simply do not have the range of lexical and grammar skills required in academic writing Berkenkotter Huckin 1995 Bizzell 1982 Byrd Reid 1998 Chang Swales 1999 Grabe Kaplan 1996 Hamp-Lyons 1991a 1991b Hinkel 1999a 2002a Horowitz 1986a 1986b 1991 Hvitfeld 1992 Johns 1981 1991 1997 Jordan 1997 Kroll 1979 Nation 1990 2001 Nation Waring 1997 Ostler 1980 Paltridge 2001 Poole 1991 Raimes 1983 1993 Read 2000 Santos 1984 1988 Swales 1971 . Assumption 2 Writing Pedagogy for NSs with Highly Developed Native Language Proficiency Which NNSs By Definition Do Not Have Is Not Readily Applicable to L2 Writing Instruction Prior to the 1980s the teaching of university-level rhetoric and composition was predominantly concerned with analyzing literature and the students writing style lexical precision and breadth grammar and rhetorical structure . the presence of thesis and rhetorical support coherence and cohesion . The teaching and evaluation of student writing focused almost exclusively on the product of writing without explicit instruction of how high-quality writing could be attained. In reaction to rigid and somewhat restrictive views of stylistic quality and evaluations of writing LI methodologies for teaching writing and composition began to move away from a focus on the product of composing classical rhetorical formality study of literature and accepted standards for grammatical accuracy Hairston 1982 . Instead the humanistic teaching of composition began to emphasize the writing process with a reduced emphasis on rhetorical structure vocabulary and grammar. In the late 1970s and early 1980s some specialists in the teaching of LI basic writing observed that a number of .