Tài liệu tham khảo bằng tiếng Anh về nghệ thiật hội họa - Hatching Simple Mountains | HATCHING SIMPLE MOUNTAINS Brenda Hoddinott F-02 BEGINNER HATCHING In this lesson you outline three simple mountains and add shading with hatching. You create the four different values with a 2B pencil by using a combination of the following two techniques Vary the density of the hatching lines by drawing them either far apart or close together. Vary the pressure used while holding the pencil you press lightly for the light values and a little harder for darker values. This lesson is divided into the following two parts SKETCHING THREE MOUNTAINS You sketch three overlapping mountains beginning with the one that is closest and working back toward the distant mountain. ADDING SHADING WITH HATCHING The farther an object recedes into the distance the lighter in value it seems to become. After shading the sky with a very light value you then add shading to the mountains with hatching beginning with the one in the background and working toward the foreground making each value progressively darker. This project is recommended for artists and aspiring artists of all ages as well as home schooling academic and recreational fine art educators. 6 PAGES - 7 ILLUSTRATIONS Published by Hoddinott Fine Art Publishers Halifax NS Canada 2005 Revised 2006 2 SKETCHING THREE MOUNTAINS In this section you sketch three overlapping mountains beginning with the one that is closest and working back toward the distant mountain and the sky. Overlapping is a technique that gives the illusion of depth in a drawing and refers to the position of subjects in a composition when one visually appears to be in front of another or others . 1. Outline a horizontal rectangle similar in shape to mine as your drawing space. A horizontal rectangle is often referred to as a landscape format. Suggested sizes include 2 by 4 inches or 3 by 6 inches. 2. Sketch the outline of the first mountain. This mountain is in the front closer to the viewer than the other two. The outline begins about three-quarters of the .