Dog (canid) characteristics: Anatomy is the same in various domestic breeds and wild species—major difference is size and proportion (Dachshund to Great Dane). Typically with elongated skull—snout long and narrow (some domestic breeds have short muzzles). Large canines. Cheekteeth with sharp edges for shearing. Large, pointed ears—upright in all wild species and in many domestic breeds; hanging in some breeds. Deep chest (top to bottom); long, thin limbs. Five digits on front limb (thumb reduced), four on hind limb (big toe absent). Blunt, nonretractile claws. Walks on toes. Forearm does not rotate (pronate/supinate). Long, bushy tail usually in wild species | 132 DOG ANATOMY Dog canid characteristics Anatomy is the same in various domestic breeds and wild species major difference is size and proportion Dachshund to Great Dane . Typically with elongated skull snout long and narrow some domestic breeds have short muzzles . Large canines. Cheekteeth with sharp edges for shearing. Large pointed ears upright in all wild species and in many domestic breeds hanging in some breeds. Deep chest top to bottom long thin limbs. Five digits on front limb thumb reduced four on hind limb big toe absent . Blunt nonretractile claws. Walks on toes. Forearm does not rotate pronate supinate . Long bushy tail usually in wild species. Lives from the arctic to the tropics. AbDIL Abductor digit I longus AbDiS Abductor digiti V Adduc Adductor Anc Anconeus AT Achilles tendon Bicep Biceps brachii BiFem Dp Biceps femoris deep head BiFemSu Biceps femoris superficial head Brach Brachialis Brcph Brachiocephalicus Brrad Brachioradialis Bucc Buccinator Canin Caninus Clbra Cleidobrachialis Clcer Cleidocervicalis Coccy Coccygeus DelAc Deltoid acromial portion DelSp Deltoid spinal portion Digas Digastric ECR Extensor carpi radiati s ECU Extensor carpi ulnaris EDBr Extensor digitorum brevis EDC Extensor digitorum communis EDLat Extensor digitorum lateralis EDLon Extensor digitorum longus ExAbO External abdominal oblique FCR Flexor carpi radialis ANATOMICAL DRAWINGS AFTER ELLEN BERGER DONE FROM DISSECTIONS FCU Flexor carpi ulnaris FCU-HH Flexor carpi ulnaris humeral head FCU-UH Flexor carpi ulnaris ulnar head FDP Flexor digitorum profundus FDS Flexor digitorum superficialis GasLa Gastrocnemius lateral head GasMe Gastrocnemius medial head GluMe Gluteus medius GluSu Gluteus superficialis Grac Gracilis llioc lliocostalis InAbO Internal abdominal oblique Infra Infraspinatus IntDC intertransversarii dorsales caudae Inter Interossei IntVC Intertransversarii ven-tralis caudae LAOM Levator anguli oculi medialis LatDo Latissimus dorsi LeNas Levator nasolabialis LLaMx