Tài liệu tham khảo bằng tiếng Anh về hội họa - Fruge drawing - The Definitive Body Foems | Burile Hooarin DfflMic UM Contents Introduction 7 1. The Definitive Body Forms 9 Shape-Masses of the Figure 9 Shape-Masses of the Head Ball and Wedge 9 Barrel Shaped Rib Cage 12 The Wedge Box of the Pelvis 21 Column Forms of the Arms and Legs 26 Wedge Masses of Hand and Foot 37 2. Figure Notation in Deep Space 45 The Torso is Primary 45 The Legs are Secondary 48 The Arms are Third in Importance 55 The Head is Last 59 Exercises in Notation 61 3. Figure Unity in Deep Space Interconnection of forms 65 Overlapping Forms 65 Form Flow and Form Unity 68 Interconnection Lines 68 Outline and Contour 95 Tone Gradation 100 4. Figure Invention Controlling Size in Foreshortened Forms 105 Cylindrical and Barrel Forms 105 The Cylinder as a Rational Form 105 Finding Constant Factors 107 Width of Form as a Constant Factor 107 The Arms 115 The Hands 120 The Joints 127 5. Figure Invention Controlling Length in Foreshortened Forms 135 The Circle in Space The Ellipse 135 The Joint as Pivot The Member as Radius 136 The Isosceles Triangle Measuring Device 144 6. Figure Projection in Deep Space 151 Parallel Projection of Solid Forms 152 Deep Space Projection of the Figure in Action 154 Figure Invention by Reversible Projection 156 Perspective Projection of the Figure 159 Phase-Sequence Projections The Multiple Action Figure 165 Chin Thrust Leads Body Action 168 The Hand in Phase-Sequence Projection 174 Conclusion 174 Index 175 Introduction Most art students and too many professional artists will do anything to avoid drawing the human figure in deep space. Walk through the life drawing classes of any art school and you ll discover that nearly every student is terrified of action poses with torsos tilting toward him or away from him with arms and legs striding forward or plunging back into the distance twisting and bending poses in which the forms of the figure overlap and seem to conceal one another and worst of all reclining poses with the figure seen in perspective These are all problems