Tài liệu tham khảo bằng tiếng Anh về hội họa - Perspective Drawing Handbook - Phần 6 | Chapter 13 CIRCLES CYLINDERS AND CONES Circles And Ellipses Circles Except When They Are Parallel To Observer s Face Will Foreshorten And Appear As Ellipses This silver dollar appears as a perfect circle only when seen front face. When pivoted around a diameter line it changes from a round to a skinny ellipse till finally it appears as a thin line. Stood upright and pivoted around a vertical line this circle appears much the same as above. EYfc LeveiA Upright circles parallel to one another and at right angles to observer . i to picture plane will appear as in- I creasingly rounder ellipses the further they are from center line of observer s vision. Above. Horizontal circles stacked one above the other and at right angles to observer picture plane will appear as increasingly rounder ellipses the further they are from observer s eye level-horizon line. Right. Horizontal circles seen simultaneously even the ones far to the left and right of center line of observer s vision should all be drawn as true ellipses despite the fact that in rigorous mechanical perspective circles at far left and right would come out as distorted ellipses. 82 Drawing The Ellipse The two-dimensional circles on the previous page could represent coins phonograph records pancakes lenses etc. right . But circles are also key parts of three-dimensional objects such as cylinders and cones and as such have wide application in representational drawing. Cylinders are the bases of an endless number of things such as cigarettes oil tanks threadspools chimneys etc. Cones are the bases of ice cream cones hour glasses martini glasses funnels etc. Therefore the importance of learning to draw circles in perspective . ellipses can hardly be overestimated. What Is An Ellipse And How Can We Learn To Draw It An ellipse is an oval figure with two unequal axes major and minor which are always at right angles to one another. These axes connect respectively the figure s longest and shortest dimensions and .