Bất kỳ các xét nghiệm thực hành có thể được thực hiện như các kỳ thi giữa kỳ hoặc cuối cùng. Họ cũng có thể được sử dụng cho mục đích chẩn đoán hoặc vị trí. Điểm có thể được vẽ đồ thị trên biểu đồ tiến độ, | 2 .Vỗ Adjective Word Order 9. During the Spanish American War the U. S. realized the strategic importance of Hawaii and A B made it a territory in 1900 with Sanford Dole as the governor territorial. C D 10. Trenches in the ocean floor are of great interest because they are lines where the earth s crust often A B is so weak to resist the impact of frequent earthquakes. C D Answers to Exercise are on page 647. ỊỆỊ EXTENSION Structure 1. Students create TOEFL sentences to test their classmates understanding of adjective word order. Students write their own sentences or use sentences they find in print. Each sentence should have an a adjective noun or b adverb adjective structure. Change the order of the adjectives nouns and adverbs so that the word order is incorrect. Write the sentences either on the board or on cards. Classmates must identify the error and make the correction. 2. Students practice speaking and writing sentences with adjective enough infinitive structures. Example I feel hungry enough to eat a bear. 3. Variation on 2. Students practice speaking and writing sentences with enough noun infinitive structures. Example There is not enough bear to satisfy me. Delta s Key to the TOEFL Test 2Ổ5 Participial Adjectives Checking Participial Adjectives Qfocus What is wrong with this sentence The main sources of typhoid fever are contaminate water and milk and food handlers who are carriers of the bacteria. This sentence has an incorrect adjective form contaminate describing the nouns water and milk. Contaminate is a verb but verbs do not usually modify nouns. Think of the meaning of the sentence. First water and milk are contaminated by typhoid bacteria. Then people get the disease by drinking the contaminated water and milk. The correct adjective form is contaminated which is called a participial adjective because it comes from the past participle of a verb. What is wrong with this sentence The exterior of Hagia Sophia is not elaborately .