Ebook Beginning Git and GitHub: Part 2 presents the following content: GitHub Primer; Quick Start with GitHub; Beginning Project Management: Issues; Diving into Project Management: Branches; Better Project Management: Pull Requests; .Please refer to the documentation for more details. | PART II Project Management with GitHub CHAPTER 8 GitHub Primer In the last chapter we did an initial discovery of remote repositories and why they are important. You should have a basic understanding of how they work too and most importantly what are the benefits of using one. Now we are going to talk about the most famous of code hosting platforms GitHub. First we are going to present a short history of GitHub just to know it better. Then we will talk about the kind of people who use GitHub and what they are using it for. GitHub overview Slapping a definition of GitHub is really difficult because it does so many things at the same time. So I ll use its own words GitHub is a development platform inspired by the way you work. From Open Source to business you can host and review code manage projects and build software alongside 36 million developers. GitHub is thus not only a code hosting platform but a development platform. What does that mean It means that you don t just use GitHub to store your code you use it to plan and track its evolution. We ll see all its features on the next section but the main thing to remember is that GitHub is there to help you build and release your project. If you only need one reason to use GitHub it s the development workflow it offers. Long gone are the days when the project manager wrote all the pending tasks on a whiteboard and team members sent emails to each other to keep track of whom were doing what. No need for long chains of back and forth emails to check a task s progress either. All of that is managed by GitHub. 95 Mariot Tsitoara 2020 M. Tsitoara Beginning Git and GitHub https 978-1-4842-5313-7_8 Chapter 8 GitHub Primer G itHub and Open Source GitHub has always been a close ally of Open Source projects in fact GitHub is home to the largest Open Source community in the world. Since developers need a convenient place to build and share their projects GitHub is an obvious choice. That way all of the .