cuối tháng Hai đến tháng Tám, các Dịch Vụ Chăm Sóc Thú Vật (ACS) nhận được nhiều cú điện thoại từ những cư dân quan ngại về tình trạng an sinh của các con vịt có vẻ như đã chọn những địa điểm lạ thường để làm ổ và nuôi con nhỏ của chúng. Nhiều điện thoại gọi tới đề cập đến vịt mẹ và bầy vịt con băng qua đường, hoặc làm ổ quanh hồ tắm trong sân sau. Một số điện thoại gọi bởi những cư dân từng cảm thấy sự hiện diện của vịt tại tư. | UrbanUrban ucksucks DDPatos urbanos Vịt Đô Thị rom late February and into August, Animal Care Services (ACS) receives many phone calls from residents who are concerned about the well-being of ducks who have selected, what appear to Steps to prevent ducks from Fbe, strange locations to nest and raise their young. Many calls are received regarding a mother nesting in undesirable areas duck and ducklings crossing the road, or ducks nesting around a backyard swimming pool. Some calls should be taken prior to are from residents who feel the presence of ducks at a private residence is a nuisance, and should be the arrival of duck mating season. The following is a removed. This information is intended to help explain duck behavior, the laws protecting ducks and other list of steps, which may be migratory birds, and how to determine if a duck should be impounded for health and safety reasons. taken to discourage ducks There are many species of ducks that migrate through Orange County. The most common from making a backyard specie is the Mallard. During breeding season, males have a beautiful, glossy green head with area a nesting site: a narrow white collar. They have a chestnut breast, a white tail, yellow bill and orange feet. The females look completely different—mottled brown with a whitish tail. A female’s bill is dark and Cover swimming patched with orange and their feet are orange. They, as well as the males, have a prominent pools during the violet blue stripe bordered with white on the lower edge of their wings. nesting season. During January and February, mates are chosen and nesting areas are located. Mallards usually nest close to water. In urban areas, this means ponds, swimming pools, fountains, flood Allow beach or pool control channels and even very unusual locations. After nesting, both the male and female stay balls to float on the near the nest to defend it. Females usually lay about 8-10 eggs. After four weeks, the eggs surface of pools, hatch and the .