makeup air was installed in most older homes - the needed air was simply assumed to flow in . Makeup air is now recognized as being equal- ly important as . | HOME COMBUSTION & ENERGY GUIDE MAKEUPAIR TECHNIQUES Minnesota Department of Commerce Energy Information Center TACTICS &TIPS All fuel burning equipment in your home needs a reliable supply of air to work properly. Furnaces, water heaters, fireplaces and wood stoves use large amounts of air in the combustion process. In addition, ventilation equipment, bathroom and kitchen fans, and clothes dryers all Outside combustion air supplies for exhaust household air and can compete with the air needed for the safe operation of fuel burning furnaces, water appliances. Addressing your home’s need for air is important for your safety. heaters, wood stoves and fireplaces To ensure that all fuel-burning appliances operate tion appliances. Research indicates that many safely, air must be provided while they are operat- older Minnesota homes are actually much tighter How to test for ing. Without enough air, your house can quickly than once assumed. The result is that natural air become polluted with unhealthy gases, including leaks cannot be relied on to provide the fresh air combustion air deadly carbon monoxide (CO). Carbon monoxide needed for all combustion and makeup air needs. The difference is odorless, colorless, and highly poisonous. The air needed for the safe operation of all fuel-burn- The State Building Code has required combustion between makeup and ing or combustion appliances is called “combus- air for the installation of new fuel burning equip- combustion air tion air.” ment for many years. For several years it also has strictly limited the conditions in new homes New Mechanical Replacement air for all exhaust appliances is also under which exhaust equipment can be used Code Requirements – critical. When a ventilation fan operates, it draws without supplying an equal amount of makeup air from inside the house to the outside and cre- air. Makeup air is now recognized as being equal- see page 5 ates or contributes to a slight vacuum in the ly important as combustion