2,6 Lượt xem Tạo Sau khi bạn ra con số bạn muốn sử dụng một lần xem, các trick là để tạo ra nó bằng cách sử dụng thiết kế. Điều này thế nào-Để giải thích làm thế nào để làm điều này từ bên trong Visual Studio NET,. Bao gồm xác định thứ tự sắp xếp và tiêu chuẩn. | Create Views After you figure out you want to use a view the trick is to create it by using the designer. This How-To explains how to do this from within Visual Studio .NET including specifying sort order and criteria. Now that you have your tables created with relationships in place you can add data by double-clicking the table name in the Server Explorer. I also know how to bind forms and controls to data using data binding from the last chapter. How do you create views using VS .NET Technique Within SQL Server you can view and manipulate data using one of three ways Views. These allow you to display different views of your data including joining tables sorting SQL Server 200x and using criteria. Views are limited to using the SELECT statement and they can be used as the base for updating as well displaying data. Views are great when you need to filter your data but want to be able to update like you would a single table. Stored procedures. Perform bulk operations such as updating inserting and deleting records. You can also create select queries that can be sorted. Another difference from Views is that you can use multiple SQL and control-of-flow statements within a stored procedure. You can also use parameters with stored procedures. User-defined functions. User-defined functions are one of three types Scalar Table and In-Line. These types combine the best features of views and stored procedures into a single query that you can nest pass parameters to sort and return values. You can find more on stored procedures in How-To . When you want to have various views of your data that you will want to use throughout your application s you can create views to do so. You can then use the view to populate forms controls and reports. Note In versions of SQL Server prior to 2000 use of views was frowned upon because of performance and sorting limitations among other reasons. This has changed with 2000 where views are more flexible and offer better performance. .