10,7 Tạo một báo cáo trên màn hình của tôi Đó Chứa Hyperlinks người dùng có một văn bản trong lĩnh vực Khách hàng của bảng mà là thực sự của khách hàng các trang web. Người dùng muốn có thể truy cập các trang web như là một siêu liên kết trên một báo cáo trên màn hình | Create an Onscreen Report That Contains Hyperlinks My user has a text field in his Customers table that is actually customers Web sites. Users want to be able to access the site as a hyperlink on an onscreen report. How can I use Crystal Report to create a report that uses hyperlinks Technique For this How-To you won t be doing coding. You ll just adjust the formatting of a report field to tell it that it needs to treat the field like a hyperlink. Before doing this you need to modify Northwind. Adding a Web Site Field to Northwind To accomplish this you open the Northwind database in the Server Explorer. You then add a field called Website to the Customers table with the Data Type of nchar and a size of 50. You then modify the first two records in the Customers table so that the Website field contains and respectively as shown in Figure . Figure . These will be displayed as hyperlinks on the new report you will create. Now you are ready to create the report. Telling the Report That a Field Is a Hyperlink You create a simple report that is based off the Customers table and contains the fields CompanyName ContactName and Website. Then you right-click on the Website field in the report and choose Format. The Format dialog box opens where you can click on the Hyperlink tab. For the hyperlink type you should choose Current field value see Figure . Figure . These are the options that you can have for hyperlink actions. Now that you have told the field to act like a hyperlink you need to have it look like one. To perform this task you set the following properties BorderColor. This is set to RoyalBlue to give it the color of a hyperlink. BottomLineStyle. This is set to crLSSingleLine. EnableTightHorizontal. This is set to True so that it doesn t highlight the full length of the field-just to the text. That s it When you display this in a Viewer as shown in Figure you can click on the Website field and the .