Nhắm mục tiêu một phụ huynh Movie Flash cho phép bạn đặt một trong những thời gian bên trong khác, đây là những gì bạn đang làm bất cứ khi nào bạn thêm một ví dụ movie clip vào chính thời gian. Tuy nhiên, ngay cả trường hợp clip phim trường bộ phim có thể chứa nhiều cấp độ khác clip sâu. | Targeting a Parent Movie Flash allows you to place one timeline inside another this is what you re doing whenever you add a movie clip instance to the main timeline. However even movie clip instances can contain other movie clip instances many levels deep. Placing one timeline inside another creates a parent-child relationship between the timelines. The parent is the timeline that contains the other movie the child is the movie contained within the other timeline. A child movie can easily tell its parent what to do not so easy in real life using the following syntax To understand how it works imagine placing a movie clip instance named myMovieClip_mc on the main timeline and then placing another movie clip instance named myOtherMovieClip_mc inside myMovieClip_mc. The absolute target path of the movie structure would look like this If you wanted an action on myOtherMovieClip_mc s timeline to cause myMovieClip_mc s timeline to go to Frame 50 you would use this syntax 50 You could place this same syntax on myMovieClip_mc s timeline and it would cause the main timeline to go to Frame 50 because the main timeline is that movie clip s parent. In the next exercise we ll place movie clips inside movie clips creating parent-child relationships. Such relationships can have all sorts of ramifications within a project helping you make your movies more interactive. You will also create a simple effect clip that you can drag and drop into any timeline causing that timeline to do something. 1. Open in the Lesson03 Assets folder. The only difference between this file and the file we worked on in the last exercise is that the buttons set up to scale the main timeline have been removed to avoid confusion. 2. Double-click one of the movie clip instances on the stage to edit it in place. With the Library panel open and the Child Clip layer selected drag an instance of the Hatfield Child movie .