Javascipt Cheatsheet AJAX Cheatsheet Khởi tạo đối tượng XMLHttpRequest (XHR) PHP Code: [b]function [/b][b]createXHRobj()[/b] { if () req = new XMLHttpRequest() // browsers besides IE else if () req = new ActiveXObject("") // IE else alert ("Could not create XHR obj!") return req } | Javascipt Cheatsheet Methods DOM Methoc Object toString toLocaleString valueOf hasOwnProperty isPrototypeOf propertylsEnumerable String charAt charCodeAt fromCharCode concat indexOf lastlndexOf localeCompare match replace search slice split substring substr toLowerCase toUpperCase toLocaleLowerCase toLocaleUpperCase RegEx test match exec Array concat join push pop reverse shift slice sort splice unshift Number toFixed toExponential toPrecision Date parse toDateString toTimeString getDate gctDay getFullYear getHours getMilliseconds getMinutes getMonth getSeconds getTime getTimezoneOffset getYear setDate setHours setMilliseconds setMinutes setMonth setSecnnds JavaScript XMLHttpRequest REGULAR EXPRESSIONS - FORMAT Safari Mozilla Opera Regular expressions in JavaScript take var req new XMLHttpRequest the form Internet Explorer var RegEx pattern modifiers var req new Acti veXO bject M icrosoft. X M LHTTP REGULAR EXPRESSIONS - MODIFIERS XMLHttpRequest Object Methods 9 Global matching Ĩ Case insensitive aborto S Single line mode getAIIResponseHcadersO m Multi line mode getResponseHeader header open method URL REGULAR EXPRESSIONS - PATTERNS send body setRequestHeader header value A Start of string End of string XMLHttpRequest Object Properties Any single character alb a or b onreadystatechange . Group section readyState abcj Item in range a or b or c responseText Aabc Not in range not a or b or c responseXML a Zero or one of a status a Zero or more of a statusText a One or more of a a 3 Exactly 3 of a XMLHttpRequest readyState Values a 3 3 or more of a a 3 6 Between 3 and 6 of a 0 Uninitiated l pattern Not prefix. Apply rule when 1 Loading URL does not match pattern. 2 Loaded 3 Interactive EVENT HANDLERS 4 Complete onAbort onMouseDown JAVASCRIPT IN HTML onBlur onMouseMove External JavaScript File script type text javascript src x script Inline JavaScript script type text javascript onChange onMouseOut onClick onMouseOver onDbICIick onMouseUp onDragDrop onMove