In a mythic vision, writers sit for hours, scribbling furiously to get down the incredibly brilliant words that seem to pour from their brains. But "mythic" is the operative word; it's not the reality experienced by most writers. | Pretest Before you begin this book it s a good idea to find out how much you already know and how much you need to learn about the essay-writing process. This test is designed to help you do that. It consists of two parts. Part 1 contains 20 multiple-choice questions addressing several key components in this book. Part 2 asks you to write your own essay and evaluate it according to the criteria provided. You can use the space on the pages following Part 2 to record your answers and write your essay. Or if you prefer simply circle the answers directly for Part 1. Obviously if this book doesn t belong to you use separate sheets of lined paper to write your responses. Take as much time as you need for Part 1 although 20 minutes is an average completion time . When you re finished check your answers against the answer key at the end of this book. Each answer tells you which lesson deals with the concept addressed in that question. Set aside another 30 minutes to complete Part 2. 7 LEARNINGEXPRESS ANSWER SHEET