User Experience Re-Mastered Your Guide to Getting the Right Design- P3: Good user interface design isn't just about aesthetics or using the latest technology. Designers also need to ensure their product is offering an optimal user experience. This requires user needs analysis, usability testing, persona creation, prototyping, design sketching, and evaluation through-out the design and development process. | User Experience Re-Mastered Your Guide to Getting the Right Design me what you are thinking as you are grouping the cards. If you go quiet I will prompt you for feedback. Whenever participants make a change to a card we strongly encourage them to tell us about it. It helps us to understand why they are making the change. In a group session it offers us the opportunity to discuss the change with the group. We typically ask questions like John just made a good point. He refers to a travel reservation as a travel booking. Does anyone else call it that or Jane noticed that couples-only resorts is missing. Does anyone else book couples-only resorts If anyone nods in agreement we ask him her to discuss the issue. We then ask all the participants who agree to make the same change to their card s . Participants may not think to make a change until it is brought to their attention otherwise they may believe they are the only ones who feel a certain way and do not want to be different. Encouraging the discussion helps us to decide whether an issue is pervasive or limited to only one individual. Participants typically make terminology and definition changes while they are reviewing the cards. They may also notice objects that do not belong and remove them during the review process. Most often adding missing cards and deleting cards that do not belong are not done until the sorting stage - as participants begin to organize the information. TIP We prefer to staple the groups together because we do not want cards falling out. If your cards get mixed with others your data will be ruined so make sure your groups are secured and that each participant s groups remain separate We mark each envelope with the participant s number and seal it until it is time to analyze the data. This prevents cards from being confused between participants. Labeling Groups Once the sorting is complete the participants need to name each of the groups. Give the following instructions Now I would like for