Chapter 4: Human Resources Management. H uman resources management is required to make the most efficient use of the project human resources. This includes all of the people involved in the project—the stakeholders, sponsors, customers, other departments, the project team, subcontractors, and all others. Organizational planning involves the organizing of the human resources. These are the roles, responsibilities, and relationships of the people that are on the project team. As in all things in project management, human resources management takes place throughout the project. If at any time the project organization needs to be revised, the human resources plan will assist in carrying. | CHAPTER 4 HumanResources Management Human resources management is required to make the most efficient use of the project human resources. This includes all of the people involved in the project the stakeholders sponsors customers other departments the project team subcontractors and aUothers. Organizational plenum. invelvss theorganizrng of rhe human resources. These orathe roSes lesponsSbllitiei andtelaaiacthipsaOtPtpeople that ara an ffiejstenesi m si fdl dsnsmpaolesf mansoement human resources managomsistsdcesploosshroughrut lie ptejsot. SOat anyiematUe projectoeganizatlen needs to Pe asad in carrying tffitoua Pfoteoa MsnagerRmles and It is a long-standing joke in the project management community that if anyone ever asks you who is responsible for anything in the project the answer will alwaysbethe iseasier tospecifywhat the prolect memoaee goasnosdo thanie dtsaufs wl heur ohe aatuUlydoes and is rospoesSblefge. Toenaturs andscepe olffis prejectshoaSd dietate ehe Sndividpalroles and ree y odtasehdu ofae da eeamtsslenmenie and resoanribitSsieo deve Ppcii decided all of the functions and responsibilities of the paaéa wiU hove baen raspoasibhlsyeacaeuiitabditg matrixos nerda tae deerrminffigane lraeking theoelationeysp betwsen o given gadoerSbOitysmdwyosS eeeooilsjdieaogit. 7 04 I Human Resources Management 105 As canbe seeninfigure4-l the responsibility-accountability matrix is a short notational form that allows us to easily see the relationship between the individuals on a project team and the responsibilities they have. Various levels of thernsponi ibility-accc t nmbihtymatrixmajblKtdevek i edfor various partsand levelsoOtheprojec-. Thr project manoger io osderro OeterminewOan acrivisicracesup-posed rotako plareinoOa projecr rchrdulelfigurr 0-2t- Io constiouiasihs scOtdrk Soothe wpokshat has to be done. Of course people are involvedwith .