Chapter 18b: Answer key about COMMUNICATIONS MANAGEMENT 1. Answer: d A communicator can use all three media to communicate. 2. Answer: c The project manager has three main reasons for or interests in having good document control: effective communications, making sure that all necessary information is distributed and received by all those who need it; be able to reconstruct why certain decisions were made and the conditions under which they were made; historical value, so that lessons learned can be used in the future on other projects. 3. Answer: d From the Guide to the PMBOK 2000: ‘‘A communications management. | COMMUNICATIONS MANAGEMENT 1. Answer d A communicator can use all three media to communicate. 2. Amène The project macagerhaschree mainremonsfor erimcrcsss hr having good document control effective communications making sure that all necessary informotien is gistributed and received by all those who need it be able to T why eerteShdeoisieas e mate endhse dinons end which rhey ch. Sct mmlcssnnrleareed Ch nsnb el dte future on other projects. 3. swer. From theG hon s PA O f 2000 A communications management plan is a document which provides Acollection aid filing structure which details what methods will be used to garher c d sto rypeaef fenararron. Procedures should also cove collecting and drssenunanng updates and eorrecnons to previously distributed material. A distrlbm on 0 0 0 huh Oeteds homlnformariop tin repeals data sehedglec ieehpnal beared rc dsmihute paars ous types of information. This structure must be compatible with the respon-sibili d reporting relationships described by the project organization chart. A deschcden rhe inf t ahcn Ise faribeted Mud r c level oadera eanhçohdChnh sSdrfr .t dtohes. n. . Production schedules showing when each type of communication will be frod d s i . Methods for accessing information between scheduled communications. A method end ci thn c - 1 as the project progresses and develops. 4. Answer d 366 I Communications Management 367 5. Answer a The act of communicating involves an exchange of information between two parties. The definition of communications is An exchange of information between twoparties with understanding. 6. Answer a Brainstorming encouragesteambmlding ifhandled properly. Participants feel that they are part of the decision making process and have a sense of part of brainstorming the participants thinking converges to a common agreement. a . Answer c The Delphitgchniqueallfwsparticif ants to be located in different parts of the world. It lends itself to .