GLOSSARY AC. Actual Cost. See Actual cost. Accountability matrix. A structure that relates the project organization structure to the work breakdown structure to help ensure that each element of the project’s scope of work is assigned to a responsible individual. Activity. A unit of work performed as part of a project. An activity usually has a duration, a cost, and resource requirements. Activities can then be subdivided into tasks. Activity definition. Identifying the specific activities that must be performed in order to produce the various project deliverables. Activity duration estimating. Estimating the number of work periods that will be needed. | This Page Intentionally Left Blank GLOSSARY AC. Actual Cost. See Actual cost. Accountability matrix. A structure that relates the project organization structure to the work breakdown structure to help ensure that each ekment ofthe project s scope ofwork is assigned to a responsible individual. Activity. Annitof wookperformedhsprrtofaeootect. Anactivityusuolly has a last rnf resortae yarthen be subdivthed into tasks. Activity definition fdrntifyuia ehr spetific hefirhiet rhcf mutt Its per formekin oiderfoorodocythepaeSortpsojcctdeSivcfabeec. Activity duration estimating. Estimating the number of work periods thatwiil beneedelto comolehe odplCuE actioitios. Actual cosh. Sa the sretem tCis is ths amount of chst accumulatcdty doing work on sVe peojeok Ontyworicdtreoa the prolect rhould ACWP Aptual Cosiof Woek Poeformed. ACWP. ActpaiCnstnfOAorU Pprformtd. The apllsalects iqcusrpA to coi r k teriaa5ykrel Pu wea attually pa-normT durivgagiceptime to sOrPMBOK 2000 has phanged this term to AC ActualCos t. AD. ActipctyDeacsiPtikC. Ajabelusrdmo descriptsornormally describes the scope oWwwrkyftheoativity. ADM. ArcowDipctomming Method. A network diagramming technique ihwhicC oceivstiec oos pereescnted hr sows-Tic raii of tVe maw represento sto sun ovd thehfodceprcsymtthr tmsh hftCeaseivsty rkrtescnttiiq exptsteO duration ok the activityl. Activieies tre coI Ikc1s-0 at peintscrltedkades truly drawn atemselciprSest tot ihottrata . Administrative atostire. cnOditSemiaatinp itot-mathm to formoSize cfojepl yomplftioo. AF. ActuB tin-sh tatt. TSOo actorl dato tPatrn activity er task was com- piled Analogous vstimete. UringsheccsuaicastoPc-revlons similar project as 383 384 Glossary thebasis for estimating the cost of the current project. It is frequently used to estimate total project costs when