Oracle SQL Jumpstart with Examples- P14: Review "As a consultant with more than 12 years of experience working with Oracle databases on a daily basis, reviewing this book was a unique and enjoyable experience. The SQL language is without doubt one of the most critical database skills and it is best learned by example. This book addresses that crucial need. Mr. Powell does an excellent job of clarifying the concepts by using meaningful and easy to understand examples. Frankly, I have not come across any other book on SQL that is as good a compilation of SQL concepts in a single. | 620 end if exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then insert into customer customer_id name preferences values vfullname PREFERENCESCOLLECTION vgenre returning customer_id into id end vcustomer_id id dte TO_DATE 31-12-2004 DD-MM-YYYY - rand 500 to_char vcountry_id dte SYSDATE 300 - rand 500 to_char vcountry_id dte insert into sales sales_id musiccd_id customer_id retailer_id continent_id country_id list_price discount sale_price sale_date sale_qty shipping_cost values vmusiccd_id vcustomer_id vretailer_id vcontinent_id vcountry_id vlist_price vdiscount ROUND vlist_price 1 - vdiscount 2 dte 1 0 commit Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. 621 exception when others then PROC factGenerate SQLERRM SQLCODE rollback end create or replace procedure facts i IN integer is j integer begin for j in loop factsGenerate delay 10000000 Facts to_char j end loop end set serveroutput on exec 10000000 set timing on truncate table sales exec facts 1000 exec set serveroutput off declare cursor cSales is select from sales order by sale_qty begin for rSales in cSales loop update sales set sale_date SYSDATE 300 - rand 500 commit end loop end SPOOL OFF _ Appendix A Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. This page intentionally left blank Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this .