in most states, natural gas industry-supported laws require contractors and private landowners to call the local One-Call number before beginning any kind of digging. With forty-eight hours' notice, a pipeline operator will locate the pipeline and mark it clearly. Any damage at all to a pipe—even the slightest scratch-could lead to a leak later on. Whether One-Call has become the law in your state or not, you can help keep pipelines safe by calling the number on the right-of-way markers before you dig | Answer Key Practice Test One Part 1 pages 3-8 5. Example A They re leaving the room. B They re turning on the machine. C They re standing near the table. D They re reading the newspaper. 1. A The fuel truck is by the jet. Choice B is incorrect because the plane s fuel tank may be low but the plane is not flying low. It also confuses the similar sounding word crane for plane. Choice C confuses 6. the similar sounds plan with plane and uses the associated word fuel. Choice D confuses the similar sounds plat ing and plane and jet and wet. 7 2. C The technician is looking at the gauges and dials to check how the systems are functioning. Choices A B and D misidentify the occupation and location. 3. B The speaker is addressing the group. Choice A is incorrect because the audience is listening to the speaker not 8- to a concert. Choice C is a different context the audience may be workers but they are sitting not returning. Choice D is out of context these are not musicians in an orchestra with a conductor. 9. 4. D The people are shaking hands. Choice A confuses rubbing their fingers and shaking hands. Choice B misidentifies the action and the body part. Choice C confuses the similar sounds band and hand. D The trainer is in front of the group. Choice A confuses the similar sounds conductor with instructor and the similar words train with trainer. Choice B confuses the word course which has the meaning of a ship s chosen path associated word captain and a training session. Choice C associates teacher with trainer and is incorrect because the woman is standing by a chart not behind a desk. C The bus s storage bins are open. Choices A and B are out of context. Choice D is incorrect because the bins not boxes are empty. B Smoke is coming from the chimney. Choice A confuses fveplace and chimney. Choice C is incorrect because there is smoke coming from the chimney not fire coming from a skyscraper. Choice D confuses the similar words fired to be terminated and zre burning .