before you begin that process, it is a good idea to have a place to store all your index cards so they don't get lost and scattered. Also, if you need to visit several libraries and institutions while you are gathering your materials, you can take your index card holder with you wherever you go so that it becomes your per-sonal traveling desk. In this way, you will never be without your work and you can easily refer to what youVe done because your note cards are all in one place. | LESSON Getting Essential Information from Print Sources LESSON SUMMARY Now you have your writing tools and equipment ready. You also have a library card or access to an academic or cultural institution. In addition you have narrowed down your topic to make it as specific as possible. You are ready to begin your search for information and materials. This is the most fun and exciting part of the process Rather than just thinking about your paper you are now an active participant in the research process. You will become a detective piece together and track down various types of information follow your leads and question as many individuals as you can. This lesson will focus on different institutions that you can utilize the diverse printed resources available and how to make the most of them. Before you walk into your favorite library sit down and make a list of five possible places where you might find as much information about your topic as you can. For example if you are researching the assassination of President John F. Kennedy five possible places to visit might be 1. A neighborhood public library or city public library 2. A local university or college 3. A historical library or specific historical collection 23 GETTING ESSENTIAL INFORMATION FROM PRINT SOURCES 4. A cultural institution devoted to American history topics 5. A museum or gallery with an American history collection This list allows you to obtain information from more than one source and ensures that the information you gather will be diverse and in a variety of different forms. Some institutions may be more helpful than others and offer you more materials but having many options is valuable. Navigating a Library Libraries are often crowded and librarians may seem to be too busy to help you in your personal search. While it is true that librarians may seem busy they are usually more than delighted to assist you in any way they can. Remember they are the experts about treasured library collections and