Sam McCarter is co-author of A book for IELTS and IELTS Reading Tests, the author of a book on writing, BPP English for PLAB and Nuffield Stress Tests . He has also co-authored several other publications and edited a range of health publications. | rwwwnmimiirr nniiiii nr inmiWiiiltUiWWiiUiltl Hil IHMWiaCBSl flcddtemlc UJrithHI Pr ctto for i LTS The larvae feed on aphids which are their favourite prey. After a period of . the fully-grown larvae turns into pupae. with unspotted yellow wing cases. The fully-grown adult mate and female ladybirds both have spots and look similar. mateandthelife B yL birdsma . . z 1. i . .1 l Ji - . . - -1 . . r - . _ . . i - . - - . - -. V . . - - - .1 1 . J j 1 n A 48 Sam McCarter Ratak Bltbf Prieta for HITS C The new-born larva Ao Eggs darken B. Pupa Do Larva hatching Eo Fully-grown larva E Adult ladybird Go Emerging from the pupa Ho Larva eating an aphid Io Laying eggs J. Mating 49 Sam .