On the next page, you will find an answer sheet for the pretest. If you do not own this book, you can write the numbers 1-50 on a piece of blank paper and mark your answers there. Before you begin, relax, find a quiet place to work, and take as much time as you need for this short test. | TOEIC Vocabulary Meaning by Word Test 133 Answers Index Q1 n. abuse a maltreatment corrupt practice foul language b duty responsibility indebtedness agreement c amount of money received in payment for goods or services or from other sources revenue profits d moment very short space of time current month Q2 n. voucher a certificate that bears monetary value coupon receipt authorizer endorser b delight refreshment or entertainment given to its recipient without cost c attack misdeed insult transgression d cat Slang feline Q3 n. part-time a tool implement device appliance agent means b custody property asset control ownership c company commercial business corporation d period era hour rate Q4 n. influx a estimation appraisal measurement b trainer tutor teacher bus c option selection variety d inflow inward flow place where a stream flows into another body of water Q5 n. study a learning field of learning thorough investigation report analysis b determination resolution ruling especially in court c friend member of an academic organization suitor d person who is resistant to change person who favors traditional political parties Q6 adj. initialed a signed with initials marked with the first letter or letter of a name b exerting great force effective potent producing the desired effect influential c done without waste of time resources etc. d reciprocal done in response to a previous action repeated recurring Q7 n. availability a choice option b realization performance completion gratification satisfaction c accessibility attainability obtainability d banknote printed by a government as legal tender which is not redeemable and which lacks economic value Q8 n. secret a information that is confidential or classified mystery unexplained phenomenon b defense shelter safety c negotiation settlement business deal d awareness cognition ability to perceive Q9 n. pressure a movement journeying b company commercial business corporation c exertion of force application of weight .