ARRAY BACKGROUND Discovery of the first works on array antennas is a task best left to historians, but the two decades before 1940 contained much activity on array theory and experimentation. Some of the researchers were G. H. Brown, E. Bruce, P. S. Carter, C. W. Hansell, A. W. Ladner, N, E. Lindenblad, A. A. Pistolkors, S. A. Schelkunoff, G. C. Southworth, E. J. Sterba, and T. Walmsley. Primary journals were Proc. IRE, Proc. IEE, BSTJ, RCA Review, and Marconi Review. During World War II, much array work was performed in the United States and Britain | Phased Array Antennas. Robert C. Hansen Copyright 1998 by John Wiley Sons Inc. ISBNs 0-471-53076-X Hardback 0-471-22421-9 Electronic CHAPTER ONE Introduction ARRAY BACKGROUND Discovery of the first works on array antennas is a task best left to historians but the two decades before 1940 contained much activity on array theory and experimentation. Some of the researchers were G. H. Brown E. Bruce P. S. Carter C. W. Hansell A. W. Ladner N. E. Lindenblad A. A. Pistolkors S. A. Schelkunoff G. C. Southworth E. J. Sterba and T. Walmsley. Primary journals were Proc. IRE Proc. IEE BSTJ RCA Review and Marconi Review. During World War II much array work was performed in the United States and Britain. Interest in arrays returned in the early 1960s with research projects at Lincoln Laboratories General Electric RCA Hughes and others. Some of the array conferences are mentioned in the annotated reference list in Section . A salient event was the publication by Academic Press of the three-volume book Micro wave Scanning Antennas MSA with volume 1 appearing in 1964 and volumes 2 and 3 in 1966. This work was the first extensive coverage of phased arrays with emphasis on mutual coupling theory which is the basis of all array characteristics. After 30 years MSA is still in print through Peninsula Publishing. It is the purpose of this book to present a thorough and extensive treatment of phased arrays adding to and updating the array portions of MSA. The scope of the book is all types of arrays except adaptive for which several excellent books exist see references at the end of the chapter. Multiple-beam arrays are included. Because most arrays operate at frequencies that allow spacing above ground to be sufficiently large to preclude the ground affecting the array internal parameters all arrays are presumed to be in free space. Active arrays that is those containing active devices are not treated nor are array-related circuit components except for phasers which are discussed