Writing the short film 3th - Part 42. Cuốn sách này chủ yếu giúp tham khảo về phương pháp viết kịch bản, phim ảnh, video và các nhà làm phim video - những người đang phải đối mặt với sự cần thiết của việc viết một kịch bản tường thuật ngắn sao cho hay, mạch lạc, nội dung phim được truyền tải hết đến người xem. | Short Screenplays 277 MISS PEACH Yes . it was my mother s. It s glass I m afraid. Rather fancy I thought. SCARLET Going somewhere special . . . special visit MISS PEACH Yes . . . an old friend. SCARLET This was my mother s. Scarlet outstretches her hand upon which is a small delicate diamond ring. Miss Peach puts on her glasses. MISS PEACH It s very beautiful. Miss Peach makes a closer inspection of the ring peering at Scarlet s outstretched hand. Large hands. You ve got wonderfully large hands. Miss Scarlet. Rather like a . . . Miss Peach is about to take Scarlet s large hand in hers when . . . Miss Peach looks up at Scarlet who stands still. Quickly Miss Peach withdraws her hand and steps back. She is silent but has become most distressed and nervous. SCARLET What is it Miss Peach remains silent and tidies herself. MISS PEACH Nothing. 12. INT ELEVATOR. NIGHT CONT. There is a PAUSE and the two exchange glances. Miss Peach remains silent then she blurts out. MISS PEACH Pardon me but can you do that in public 278 Writing the Short Film SCARLET Do what MISS PEACH There are laws SCARLET Not anymore. MISS PEACH What one does in one s private life is one s own affair but to flaunt it in public . . . it s not right. SCARLET Why don t you mind your own fucking business MISS PEACH Please CUT TO 13. INT. MACHINE ROOM. NIGHT A large cog lets out a loud CREAK and moves slightly. CUT TO 14. INT. ELEVATOR. NIGHT There is a sudden jolt as the elevator drops down. MISS PEACH and SCARLET AHHHHhhhhl CUT TO 14. INT. OPEN ELEVATOR. NIGHT The inner door opens slightly to reveal that the elevator is trapped between floors. SCARLET Looks like we ve outstayed our welcome. Scarlet withdraws from her bag a small crowbar. Miss Peach looks nervous as Scarlet skillfully inserts the Short Screenplays 279 crowbar between the outer doors and begins to lever. Scarlet levers the doors open and pulls them apart. Miss Peach stares mesmerized by Scarlet s performance. SCARLET Let s just say . . . it