Managing Your Business with Outlook 2003 for Dummies 29. Trong cuốn sách này, các bạn có thể biết cách làm thế nào để tổ chức, lãnh đạo nhóm của bạn và doanh nghiệp của bạn bằng cách tạo ra các thủ tục cho các mục tiêu kiểm soát, thông tin liên lạc thông qua e-mail, kiểm soát bán hàng, hoạt động tiếp thị, nhiệm vụ, và chia sẻ thông tin. | Chapter 17 Ten Tips for Keeping Time on Your Side 261 Taking a break When you work for hours in front of a computer screen your eyes become tired and so do you especially when you re passionate about your work and forget what s going on around you. Taking short breaks energizes you for another round. Before starting a long and involved job open a new appointment in your Calendar and set the reminder for 50 minutes from now. When the reminder bell sounds take a break stretch and change your line of sight from your computer screen to a farther view from your office window or at least the end of your room . You can produce more if you give yourself a few short breaks to reenergize. Avoiding high anxiety or 1 don t Work in the emergency room syndrome The workload and environment at certain places can look like an emergency room. Discerning what is important from what is urgent helps you list and complete each job by its importance level. Before you feel like you re working in an emergency room use the task priorities and classify their importance levels. A little planning and prioritizing may even prevent you from needing bypass surgery. Boss-Imposed Time Commitments When two people want different tasks completed at the same time they have to negotiate an agreement. Supervising delegating and sharing pertinent information help to make first things first. Shrinking supervision time Supervising a team with different ongoing activities can be difficult and you may spend a huge amount of time and energy making phone calls and requesting updates. Instead assign a task to each person by choosing File New Task Request. Doing so gives each person a specific job. You can then select your Tasks List view to view the records by assignment which lists all pending issues by the assignee. 262 Part V The Part of Tens_ Delegating Delegating to members of your team so that they can act on your behalf saves you time and .