Grice postulated a general "Cooperative Principles" and four "maxims" specifying how to be cooperative It is common knowledge, he asserted, that people generally follow these rules for efficient communication. | 24. Linguists use the terms declarative imperative interrogative and S Verb Object exclamatory for the syntactic forms and they use statement command Pre Adverb Conj S Verb Object question and exclamation for the function. Prep Adverb Compound Sentence 25. Thus declarative sentences usually have the function of making statement S Freq Verb Object interrogative sentences usually ask questions and so on. S Freq Verb Compound Sentence 26. In other words we can say that a declarative sentence makes a statement S Verb Dependent Clause S Verb O an interrogative sentence asks a question an imperative sentence issues a S Verb o S Verb command or request and an exclamatory sentence expresses strong O Conj S Verb O feeling. Complex Compound Sentence 27. Sometimes a sentence of a given kind has a different function Adv of Freq S Verb Object from the usual one. Prep Adverb Simple Sentence 28. We may also divide the sentences in to simple sentence S Modal Verb O Prep Adverb compound sentence complex sentence and compound complex sentence. Simple Sentence 29. A simple sentence consists of a single independent clause and S Verb O Con 64 does not contain a subordinate clause. Verb O Compound Sentence 30. It may contain compound subjects and predicates to express S Verb O C complex ideas while maintaining a single main clause. DC Verb Ing Clause Complex Sentence 31. A compound sentence contains two or more coordinate clauses or S Verb O Con consist of two or more simple sentences separated by Verb O Verb DC conjunctions. Compound Complex Sentence 32. Adv That means that there are at least two units of thought within the S Verb DC S Verb Complement sentence either one of which can stand by itself as its own DC Verb O Adv sentence. Complex Sentence 33. The clauses of a compound sentence are either separated by a S Verb semicolon relatively rare or connected by a coordinating Con Verb conjunction which is more often than not preceded by a DC comma . Compound Complex Sentence 34. A .