Flash After Effects- P7: Flash Designers: Take your projects to the next level with After Effects’ robust toolset. You are about to take a journey that combines these two powerhouse applications. Enter the world of Adobe After Effects. Welcome aboard. | Exercise 3 Animating Shapes and Path Operations Now that you have experimented with the Shape Layers and have a basic understandingoftheir screateananimationusingthem. In this exercise youwill also apply pathoperationsto offerdistortioneffectssuch asPuaker O Oag anda u aato-animatingWigglePaths. peep. Originalshape gncpor Bloat Figure Examples of the path operations applied to a Shape Layer. Another path operation that you will use is the Repeater. It creates virtual copies of yourshapesintheCo mp you. 1. Opecree 00_Tunnd prajsct fileioeatediesinuthk .kap esfoiterinside Chapter_09. It contains one composition labeled Tunnel. 2. ThereRone Shapel erin shdgeit a lOtpisdsIrok e andnoh1 2 .dw Redtanglep the shape group. Twitlpt ytt grdasfytm F etono let to aiew tttraktfosm propertiet. B B reshape eaye rl g n Contents Add V Rectangle 1 1 Normal 1 1 i Rectangle Pain 1 p Stroke 1 1 Normal 1x1 b Fill 1 Normal Iri Transform Rectangle 1 Anchor Point . Figure Twirl open the shape group s transform properties. Shape Layers 237 3. Click on the stopwatch icon Q for Rotation to record a keyframe at the beginning of the composition. Press the End key on the keyboard to move the Current Timelndicator CT I to the end of thecompos it i the Rotationvalu etolx uniedTnuare rotaCes eSOdegrees. 4. SelertAdd mthe mnlinuop from t tie Too ar on T newsquaresappeartothe . tnape. The Repnatut isa pathnperat onteat eraatetvetualnopier andffllsw toma shann nrey T-hhetletualcopiesnteonIyptTteet in theComp Wipdowand deootdeonarasnew Iuyntt IntoeTi meline ennel . Illi p fiH Tunnel x 0 00 01 26 Of S B C Q x Source Name j a x A0 Ù Shape Layer 1 v Contents Rectangle 1 Rectangle Path 1 Add Q Normal Merge Paths .