E-Human Resource Management 31. This book is presented in four sections — the first intended to be more general in nature, the following three devoted to specific aspects of the HRM field in the new information era. Section I, The Cutting-Edge in HRM, presents an overview of how ITCs are modifying general HRM processes and functions. This is the aim of the first three contributions. | 256 Logan the organizational strategic objective the project supports the specific element of the organization s strategy that is directly served by this project the purpose ofthe project phrased to indicate how the strategic objective is supported what the project will be doing to directly support that objective a list of three to five high-level requirements for the project and a reference to where the complete requirements are recorded the main activities performed by the product of this project a high-level project schedule with major milestone dates and deliverables the key dates in the project and a high-level statement of the project s budget and funding source the broad financial parameters that form part of the definition of project success. The project charter should ideally be no more than a page or two and it should serve as a touchstone throughout the project. Rather than occupying a binder on a shelf the IT project manager and OD practitioner should seek ways to use the charter as an orienting device throughout the project. Figure 2 provides an example of a template for the IT Project Charter. The IT Project Charter establishes clarity about the IT project in a way that provides the OD practitioner and the IT project team the initial data to begin the work of improving communication and other processes. The very act of creating and validating the charter is itselfan intervention addressing both clarity about objectives and an understanding of leadership and stakeholder support. Once created the charter is a vital foundation document for the work of addressing the IT project team s functioning. If the charter already exists it is an invaluable link between the IT Project Success Funnel and the structured teambuilding approach to improving team effectiveness. A Teambuilding Approach to IT Project Success Once the elements ofthe IT Project Success funnel are established and agreed upon the OD practitioner must design ways to use the model as a lever for