Hiring and Keeping the Best People 2. This book explains the essentials of what managers and business owners need to know about hiring and retaining good employees. | Hiring and Keeping the Best People This Page Intentionally Left Blank Introduction This book explains the essentials of what managers and business owners need to know about hiring and retaining good employees. Effective hiring and personnel retention are the two bases of future organizational well-being. If that seems like an overstatement consider this The success of most of today s businesses depends more on human assets than on physical or financial assets. Buiddings equipment manufacturing facilifies nndmost ffdmologiefca- bereadily purchased but the human talcntandknowtlsosvnesfScdso drise fdr knowledge-based industries rremuaf harpoa tocsnieby. Hiring decisions are among the msnt important dectsionsmado by managers and this bookefgdins thresadntids-fwhatmnnagdps and business owners need todnowsboptthisprocetSiWithoutrhe right people in the right pesitians neith-c -eompann nasitsife dividual units can turn intaeeniinnd pcoforniancc. GnoO Ptring dycisions create a foundation formore effective gerform-ncoby employees teams and the cooiptaiyssvedill. CooveascCy badhiring dycisions drag down perfgtmoncacnC eri bainOoOyendansivoae cyrrect. Bradford Smith a s ntu t fpwhd h-tp s majoa coafseatinni with their hiring decisions has eiiimased Prom iis s tudy of fifty-fou a . companies that the avotage menagercal infe-hlae to sfs a eom-pyny twenty-four times the cucPsfdotr s Case cgmpegc Piou 1 How is that possible Smith points to afl dho usuol lusppcbs iOe mic-Pirn s cympensation and cost of masntpnance thninitihihiringcota sevet-ance expenses ahe cosas oc t c nsiS Oirdnf and craseing c replacement and so forth. But the l 1 c 1 -ocordingtugmsth is the cost of the mistakes PpiSures andmissed bu siooss nsr negllilua .