Hiring and Keeping the Best People 8. This book explains the essentials of what managers and business owners need to know about hiring and retaining good employees. | Beyond theHiringBas ics 43 4. creative production 5. counseling and mentoring 6. managing people and relationships 7. enterprise control 8. influence through languageand ideas These core mterests are groupedrnto ds anata categorieaintables 2-1 2-2 and 2-3 application of expertise working with people and control and influence. Since theta anbereaac can be very useful in evaluating the fit betweenjtd. necetdateanod theposirtons thee aspire to lets consider each of them in turn. Application of Technology People with a life interett m the appl cation of technolo are intrigued by how things woak enal ate remourcboot fandntgbetter ways to use technology to solve business problems. As Butler and Waldroop write People with this life interesSoften enjoy work that involves planning and analyzing production and operations systems and redesigning busineta pro cwttes 9 They cite the exampte of a money manager who aecsashtt oompfny t cooffiaia eempu rer consultant because he loves tire ehrhen gtofthia typaoawOTO mete than he does his regular job How do you spot peeple with hit inieresct tet wdo gate excited when plans are heteded foc rnew comnuCer systam oe a process reengineering proi d Some people aren t just guodatrufemgthenumbeet ihey nxcel et it. They see it as the best ahdsumctimrtCue od wayto figure out business solutions. Similarly they see mathematical work as fun . Not all quant jocks are in jobs that reflect that deeple emeeddeAnee interest write Butler and Waldroop. In fact more than a few find themselves in other kinds of wo rkfoa rhewrong raatombeceucr 44 Hiringand Keepingdie B estPeople TABLE 2-1 Category 1 Application of Expertise Application of Technology Quantitative Analysis Examples Examples engineering market research computer programming forecasting production and systems planning cash-flow analysis product and process design computer-model building process analysis aproduction scheduling production planning investment analysis systems