Hiring and Keeping the Best People 16. This book explains the essentials of what managers and business owners need to know about hiring and retaining good employees. | Developingth0TalentYouHave 107 return on training investments was highly dependent on reinforcement and unstinting management support. As described by William Wiggenhorn In those few plants where the work force absorbed the whole curriculum of quality tools and process skills and where senior mangers reinforced the training . we were getting a 33 return for every dollar spent including the cost of wages paid while people sot iv dess. tn conircet Mm eo n veis that failed to reinforce training with follow-up meetingssvda genuine emphasis on quality exgerienced a c-fauvu return on t-selr Online Training Developments in the field eV onim- tsairnng art taring v ua OT impact on formal corporate training programs. Online learning or distance learning has clear advantages over formal classroom delivery of training lower cost . supply. Devpiio t iogh sntcri fixsd teen its cucricn-Inm development and nngoief edpenOl tutesfoi Veepmglerm-rng modules cuttent nnime traiiiteg is rgiy rnexpenstoc li deliver. . Elimination ol travel . . . vl lost .odnatoievsTti Sending employees oil to ctaroonrnrtmng ens ecn beoxtiernTlv expensive in terms of travel lodging and meals. Many resent the added overnights away frornhorne. And while they ate sitting in the classroom employees aren t prodncmg. Online learnmg can reduce all of these costs and drawbacks. i . Sealable to any level 1 demand. Ovct av nnlinst t-amm-comse IS produced it can be rnad-envilaflv to inns ocrnbet rf-n nk A ees at essentially the same cost. On-demand availability. Online irainiiigsvsisons tee availelie whenever and wherever employees need them. Despite its advantages expTets warn ihat ovlinr Ve-mme vt seldom a complete training vvSution. The pe-ionOcc ntact and 108 HiringandKeepingÜieBestPeople interactions that occur in classroom settings or OJT are often essential to effective learning. Ernst Young LLP whose training program was rated seventh in the . by Training Development magazine in 2002 has a .