Corporate Reputations, Branding and People Management 40. This book is essential reading for CEOs, marketing and HR practitioners who are serious about making a valued contribution to the success of their organization. This book outlines the future scope and contribution of human resources to business strategy. It is one of the first serious studies of the corporate landscape and is very well researched and practical. I hope you get as much out of this book as I have. | 374 Corporate Reputations Branding and People Management Lado . Boyd . Wright . 2006 Paradoxand theorizing within the resource-based view Academy of Management Review 31 115-131. Langbert M. 2005 The Meter s degree in HRM midwifetBBnew professionjArnztiitay Education g 434-450. McKinsey iiOOG The McKin ey g aW sartey ofbusiceot xecn vu m iagz-ness and soGfohllpeNAxwswapoGnsey . . aspx L2 39 L3 29 ar 1741 26 January 2006 . Martin G. Alexander H. Reddmgton. M. p te J. M. Martin G. 2005 Technolngy iow meatialuilleYigesa ridf fiof-tunities. Wimbtedon OP . Martin . 20 a W axna 0ef i ad Orgizai AAZionnin Cfi Angieg Contests. OatoidiB llcdvoplh-H picit ann. Michaels E. Axelrod B. 2001 The war for ZaZcnZ. Bostan MA. Harvard Scho p aress. Mintzberg H. lnpl Sfrate cthinkingas seeiieg n Nasi ed. Arenas t AZc Zren 0 Rraiaag. HeleiaiH Fo uacfaofono for Bcuno ma Education. Mintzberg H1 laa4 Rounding out She piasaiger Slcaa Maaage-mentReview 3p c 1 l- i. Mintzberg H. 200d Ma angers not MBAs a hard look at the soft practice of mstaging rne management dawlepment. Haaloc Pearson Edu cation Financial Times. Morgan 1. 199 . Le . ut B3t0MpBeB . Uy d. Paterson B. Mnrtm G. ped Gk u p p A. 19 atC W -o inco arateo whom ManagtriatisNvetsusptsfesswnatism among a sample of per-sonncZ s orinforiiicSno er ecpnCedptdeei SliLabour Process Conference. Aoton Umnaaaity Krmingham. Pfeffer J. 19981 df hgppp .nation tsuJdinp profi. by .uttin. pcopp first. Bostoii pAiHaptard BhismepSchoolPreco. Reddington M. Ws iamsBa TratNsraaandig HR nnierie0 i acue ZAroe cdn iCi Oxfocd Elpntfer Bpllerwonln Heinemann. Sennett TOrssißdwg rrJ Hcn b . Yale Univerehy Prep. Snell S. A. SteuFer D. mN Lepak D. P. 2001 Virtual HR depart-meutse eting out of thd e R. I. Hecan u d D. B. GreenbergereedafHumaneooource management in