Corporate Reputations, Branding and People Management 35. This book is essential reading for CEOs, marketing and HR practitioners who are serious about making a valued contribution to the success of their organization. This book outlines the future scope and contribution of human resources to business strategy. It is one of the first serious studies of the corporate landscape and is very well researched and practical. I hope you get as much out of this book as I have. | 324 Corporate Reputations Branding and People Management recently putbyJoelBaknn 2OOJ aNorth American lawprofessor who has written a very powerful book and made a film about the impact of modem corporations i o society We dis. cussed this neurit ettf its i te Cfceotor ii Out it is t-crth ertpomiW and extendm- some w his criticisme ord those of othors leg. Monbiot Sditen who thke e nintiiar stattoo. Bakan argues from on ewetifiation of iegwl dmmme B titet corporationsote boundbyntenOeteto wurtrte relentlessly and without tcqpou seif-ineer wd 1 volue rtpctue of the harmOoloodseouoecesỉtmtghtoellneto otdotf Teíeỉb an emremev ottsSeo teeootwetbe fewtr nx-raer leaders would opuely eibnrWif id mive-theiees w ntgues thbe eate vety little cheibk wcaeiseoftho eodO. holMretandie duotmc logics and sti ncturee ot c .Me-. Hte it b thkt stieh mandated eorporadons ii t come ie dtrninnte ox lívon io -. developed ned doceloddbd ee ltd Oeternuemg utir liOestytes culture emptnnbicei eronomtc toti dtwUcU chWoctt Asikc from the icenoeraphp Odd ideologo nt ntodent Mwrn nthf k is all around dr 01x11 go ornliw dr donating iOe dtfi-sious of eotiwntl gdfcrnmelht nod cnxcsnlltxg 1 dti sions that wore oefo dart trf rth publéc nem-in ekd Sdbjbct on genuine pouncie dedsienn bn ordtowepoopOn. 0x 000 0 tit Bakan it id corporaenng tOot now tt - t-tlbiy w gueon-rnents fonthetnor te anO tydtepeoplfiYet io tieieHeghlinn fashion every thesis dfingf abeee ite owu anXtgoeisi is et the vety powewrf modern oìuOcì nediotaennsthct leave open to ri Ịeethmmal rtsb let the fonm of fu t mtetmbii teae and deniamit fox eocial it- nnoteonmeotai lot too tefrom society Tho e snet -vo if ot ecOnowleUowntent -o eowo-rate lead undexntand anda0edrnttdee weonpooffeot rations and emiik otteirbtt ondmtlmieeftheteiwtt f stakeholdn-e l itiptecsienlnvnrlleebenr 6X00 eommuni-n and lit ornctu ertor The eehtde Oor wit i-leeiity and image duebe dek . CSRo nhidr o nnưiien Out a eeea-of persiiadhw w -cepttool .