Creating the project office 15. This is a book about improving organizational performance by implementing a project office system that develops project management as a core competency and thus adds value to the organization. A project office consists of a team dedicated to improving the practice of project management in the organization. The improvement in organizational performance is achieved by obtaining more value from projects, making project management a standard management practice, and then moving the organization toward the enterprise project management concept | 118 Creating the Project Office Once the organization begins to regularly embrace and practice solid PM techniques and methods the foundation is laid for further consideration or creation of a project office. The office serves as a sustenance mechanism to keep the organization on track and moving forward as it continues to embrace PM ever more deeply. The formation of a corporate support group for PM does much to awaken the whole organization to the need for PM and to enable the sharing of best practices. However over time organizations tend to become stagnant if not reinvented or challenged. There are also ongoing changes and business pressures that cause stress in terms of participating in this type of group people lose interest if they discover their participation is not reflected in performance appraisals or if they get no relief from other time pressures. As the 3M PMSIG has prepared fertile ground for PM and planted seeds all over the corporation many new PM entities have sprung up to reflect the current business challenges and conditions and facilitate the migration of PM best practices within the corporation. For example as more project offices are formed the PMSIG developed a subgroup called the POF Project Office Forum made up of the heads of many of the smaller and larger project offices throughout the company. POF meetings are similar to the larger meetings of the PMSIG but differ in scope and content. Several of the larger divisions also formed smaller focused groups of project leaders and team members such as the Project Management Professional Association within Corporate IT Applications and the Project Leader Forum in Traffic Control Materials. These support groups also need to be careful to reexamine and reinvent themselves periodically so that they stay in touch with the true pain of the organization and do not just become part of the corporate bureaucracy. Several other ideas are currently in use to keep the PM support movement alive at 3M .