How to Do Business in 12 Asian Countries 1. What will you need to know in 2010 or 2020 to work in Asia? As Hans Koehler pointed out in his Preface, we live in changing times. In this century China and India are changing the economic balance of the world. But many of the cultural tenets presented in Kiss, Bow, or Shake Hands: Asia took hundreds or thousands of years to develop. These stable precepts help us understand why people behave differently around the world, and they will help you to avoid global marketing faux pas | CULTURAL OVERVIEWS TIPS FOR DOING BUSINESS KNOW BEFORE YOU GO NEGOTIATING STRATEGIES PROTOCOL Terri Morrison and Wayne A. Conaway Praise for the Kiss Bow or Shake Hands series In this global economy ANYONE who leaves the . is a fool if they don t read up on their destination s customs. Kiss Bow or Shake Hands is THE definitive authority on how to conduct yourself around the world. You can easily offend your prospects and there is no faster way to kill the most lucrative business deal. Kiss Bow or Shake Hands has been immeasurably helpful over the years. Louis Altman President New Hampshire International Trade Association NHITA and President GlobaFone Kiss Bow or Shake Hands has been an invaluable resource for international businesspeople for years. Don t leave home without it. Joe Douress Vice President LexisNexis Martindale-Hubbell Kiss Bow or Shake Hands is a great resource of cultural and business-related information. The material is concise and easy to read. The cultural information is unique educational and fun It s a book that can be enjoyed by a great number of people from a student to a leisure traveler to the most sophisticated business person. Joanna Savvides President World Trade Center of Greater Philadelphia In my work I train employees of multinational corporations on how to manage the intercultural aspects of an international assignment. Kiss Bow or Shake Hands is a tremendous resource for the growing number of individuals in today s global workforce who find themselves working across international borders and on assignment outside their home country. Carolyn Ryffel Senior Manager of Intercultural Services Cartus Chicago IL To help achieve success in communicating globally about our business there are critical tools never far from my reach my laptop or BlackBerry my phone and Terri Morrison s Kiss Bow or Shake Hands. Sherry Nebel Vice President-Communications Connexion by .