How to Do Business in 12 Asian Countries 2. What will you need to know in 2010 or 2020 to work in Asia? As Hans Koehler pointed out in his Preface, we live in changing times. In this century China and India are changing the economic balance of the world. But many of the cultural tenets presented in Kiss, Bow, or Shake Hands: Asia took hundreds or thousands of years to develop. These stable precepts help us understand why people behave differently around the world, and they will help you to avoid global marketing faux pas | Introduction What will you need to know in 2010 or 2020 to work in Asia As Hans Koehler pointed out in his Preface we live in changing times. In this century China and India are changing the economic balance of the world. But many of the cultural tenets presented in Kiss Bow or Shake Hands Asia took hundreds or thousands of years to develop. These stable precepts help us understand why people behave differently around the world and they will help you to avoid global marketing faux pas like these McDonald s Corporation settled a group of lawsuits for 10 million in 2002. Why were they sued Because of their French fries and hash browns. After 1990 McDonald s stated that only pure vegetable oil was used to cook their fries implying that they were prepared in a vegetarian manner. However the oil contained the essence of beef flavor which is an anathema to Hindus and vegetarians worldwide. Most of the money from the lawsuit was donated to Hindu and other vegetarian causes. Nike was forced to recall thousands of pairs of Air Bakin Air BBQ Air Grill and Air Melt shoes because of a decoration intended to resemble fire on the back of the sneakers. Unfortunately when viewed from right to left which is the way Arabic is read the flames resembled the Arabic word for Allah. Muslims saw this as a desecration on two levels 1 the name of Allah may not be used on a product and 2 Arabic tradition deems that the foot is unclean. Facing worldwide protests and boycotts Nike implemented an enormous recall of the expensive sneakers. As these examples show an unintentional misstep can threaten or destroy your costly international marketing efforts. It also illustrates viii Introduction ix the benefits of learning the language of your target countries and corroborating translations and design elements locally. Kiss Bow or Shake Hands Asia is organized in a clear consistent manner to help you easily find the data you need to avoid many of the errors others have made before you. The work to .