Nothing But Net 2009 Internet Investment Guide 3. Leading . Morgan Internet industry analyst Imran Khan provides a comprehensive look at key Internet industry characteristics, drivers, and trends in his seminal industry outlook, Nothing But Net. Geared toward Internet investing novices and experienced professionals, this book provides a detailed look at data points and trends that should be considered when investing in the Internet space. With almost 8 years of technology banking and investing experience, Khan provides a detailed analysis of multiple Internet sectors including online advertising, e-commerce, online travel, and social networking. This book is a must have for. | Morgan Imran Khan 1-212 622-6693 Global Equity Research 05 January 2009 Google Is Most Used by Young High Income Participants Although Google dominates all demographic levels our survey found it had its largest market share among those aged 18-41 and those with incomes over 100K. The majority of Yahoo MSN and AOL users in our study fell into the over-42 age group. MSN and AOL had their largest market shares among users with income levels of 50K- 99K while the market share for Yahoo was highest among those who earned 49K or less. Table 7 Market Share by Age and Income Level of participants All Ages 0- 49K Incomes 50- 99K 100K 18-41 42 AOL Ask Google MSN Yahoo Other Don t Use Don t Know Source . Morgan research 62 of Respondents Would Be Willing to Consider Switching Search Engines When asked what improvements by other search engines would cause them to switch from their preferred brand only 38 of respondents stated that nothing would cause them to switch as they were satisfied with their current search engine. This was consistent with last year s survey responses. Again the most frequently selected improvement was results that better matched the search term with 45 of respondents stating that this would cause them to switch search engines. Other factors that would cause respondents to consider switching search engines were faster response speeds to searches 28 the user friendliness of the site 27 and the ability to preview web content 23 . Table 8 Factors that Would Cause Search Engine Switching of participants All AOL Ask Google MSN Yahoo Other Results that better match my search term Results that include video web music and oother forms of information A more uncluttered easy to navigate